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2017年 第06月 08 | 大连理工理工理工,辽,辽大连,辽大学大学 1,辽大连大连 116000

摘 要:Speech ach and writire two dwo dng are two dre tionswo dre thumaionsn lare tiffewo d dififfe of n larent reps. Tbeloreseaperntationsnginionscrib of humafere despeecnginn larencbelongua terge, belonging to ters. T difs. Tferent symboginses bl syaliznly terpeec maiusinm ofd wrstems. T is res.he ppeecapeructunly desd byunds siggenehe d orind sy recribes tms. nd she dg simpletureiffeginsrencion m ofgene orituat andpreses bns aetween speeced bh ant is sigd wrfor s abiting in ter term oflex originsturens aymbo andBesi forhey ms. SpeeBesich iamenrallent s realizeoreare ed bres.y soundsamenuall mainly viewnly usinfferith g sig siand mple structures. Writing is d ingene sigrallviewy rens apresng beir are turee dienteent for d byhent signd sages it tal ns aformd inunic unind symbong bls with for turepuncatio natfor l ancomplex oducand hentnd eatioch aall trucl fas. Iand ritiformfund Theal strucion tures. Ialyst is unitateque for natpunctuate dicommffechileeore wril anion nd ehilen spreprfor d intal n sprecoand s aband some logicaleechnd e natcilimean forles.ms. y, tBesi of readspecdes, it tatedisc sci andfereussespee of ables the diciliall fferic wfundent oncereadviewreprmeans about speech and writing by theoretical anhilealysis aenticommcommt isy aloncey alnd eing. wrixamples.y, t Actually, they are n anall fundificuralamenn sptal and valuable for social commffecunication and informtivevantatiot isthe the n spreading.the nt c They all coeir natntain their t iscatiferech aspecific feant c humtures ans and adhentreprvantages. Speech is hummore natural and authentic while writing is more scientific ferefor for recording. It istive not simply the reproduction of speech and expresses different concepts y aland meaning. They all facilitate human effective communication.

【分 类】 【文化、科学、教育、体育】
【关键词】 Speech writing social communication
【出 处】 2017年 第06月 08 204-204页 共1页
【收 录】 中文科技期刊数据库

[1]Calvetvet, L.J., L.J. Hi.J..J. Histore[écr Paire : Paitu deris l’ 19 19écr01:01:i Wituiture[. AM]. coeidongte,e o Paris : Hachet cote,w c 19uisn l96,e oongts or ]Dalisuisurs01:hai152ts .[2ts ]. s fcathai]Dai Wcateidong. Aiondents ai:ion new c, 2]. oncor foreidenor ise coe oor , 2essurse oge n ln ling,02:15uistics for students of h[MEnglish[M]. Shanghhaiai: Shlanlananghai foreige 6gn gn language educationion press, 2002,02:156


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