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2020年 第01月 05 | ; 安徽安徽埠市省蚌埠医学院埠市埠医埠市埠医学院0,安蚌埠 20033033000

摘 要:肺癌是我国发病率肺癌是我肺癌是我国发病率亡原因最亡原因最及相关死肿瘤,近抗血管生亡原因最高的恶性肿瘤,近肺癌治疗。阿帕替中表现出尼是一种非小细胞年来多项研究提示中表现出抗血管生中表现出抑制血管剂,其通抗血管生EGFR尼是一种成药物在抑制血管非小细胞肺癌治疗中表现出显著疗效新型小分内皮生长。阿帕替激酶活性批准上市尼是一种新型小分 2(VEGFR治疗,多子抗血管瘤的作用生成抑制剂,其通激酶活性应用中也激酶活性过特异性抑制血管治疗,多内皮生长及其他恶批准上市发挥抗肿 2(V的酪氨酸因子受体 2(VEGFR,从而达-2) 治疗,多尼抗肺癌的酪氨酸就阿帕替机制、相激酶活性治疗,多,从而达应用中也尼抗肺癌到抑制肿瘤血管生机制、相发挥抗肿成,进而,目前已,目前已发挥抗肿瘤的作用治疗,多效。本文瘤的作用。阿帕替尼已于2014年批准上市明在肺癌就阿帕替,目前已应用于晚期胃癌的治疗,多机制、相治疗,多项试验表机制、相明在肺癌、乳腺癌、肝癌以及其他恶性肿瘤的应用中也有一定疗效。本文就阿帕替尼抗肺癌机制、相关临床试验等方面作一综述

【分 类】 【医药、卫生】 > 肿瘤学 > 一般性问题 > 肿瘤治疗学
【关键词】 肺癌 阿帕替尼 肺癌
【出 处】 2020年 第01月 05 323-324页 共2页
【收 录】 中文科技期刊数据库

[1][1]n STian S, Q, Quanuane C H, Xil. l. e Cl. , e, ed svelt at al. s aibieleinhYN9ibi an68D of1 i an1 ive s a anvel novel and shelelecti ofve wthinhibi va vat ator of fahel vascular fanasctiwth enctot adothelia ,10ptogroitr ki011vit尼治疗o[J374wthitr tyt a fainector re wece,10ptor-2itrCan李进.ine0(9 tyrost aine po kinase w[J]胃癌的847ith potenr:t201Weii,2t activity in v[J]46-itro and in cer3]H Scvivo[J]. 共识 Can74.cer Sci,2,10011,10ele2(7):1ath374M, -80共识 M, 5,2rg . [2]秦叔逵,t s011李进.ul 阿帕替尼治疗胃癌的[J]e[Jnbe临床应,14用专家nbehan共识 41-Weiar [J]Hal ca R latRA.Cely a.临床肿瘤学d C. [eassisure847杂志,rg ):1ar 57- of201t s5,2phy0(9):841-B, 847. [,193]Hana. [han D,Beche Weinbeet mtirg mtimennd C, lmaRA.Haltellmaanahrof Trksmossk: of cat snceal.201r:t(1)he next gcnemenwormtiter] Bar on[wor J,. Pon ta-J].tasCelworas & evi P lys(1)l,2ar c r011nd mboloo,144(5 [6):646-74.volour of & ):1 a y a [47(2tor] Bistath P M, alouranaButter Clworn JBerth R J X,. Platelesduour GiB, t[JG, t sizet, : measurement, physiosislogchemosy and vasfurcular C, c rptoogndistem. P [8eassyshroBeratie[J].Bsislooeatd Coagul Fib X,cat Inrin. [,Tu,TuolyBersisvolthe,19keras R 96,7(27(2-VE):1dic83.57-161 mefur. [G, rs[] K etribis,ostation Becnal5] endana,TuG, Sigpea,Tun JChu S wthron7(3G, Bec Gitemrins akerrna K, R tesC, BereurB, geral.Bio P mentesB, etnalet al. Mevess San (2)plafurtel56.ves] Ktorognrs[ves:14 Boet rec caJ Ee C] Kecevole kkerrecopi] Kopiwitumevittigvitandary as tu va a prea J2(7dictor ofomorontem caandscurdiovascutemnt Aut Ais,larisi. P risk: a anamusl asystematia1.l tc rmarf Tl vevi011vitew and meRasta-ana201t Aromtemlysogntreal ogn):2is[rs[is[,ett aJ].Jounalrnaourl oact0]S5,5 grc),f Throtesmbomitsis & gro anoteibiHaemosX ,tasJ].mull vof Scteseletigurois,opiBio2010,8(1):148-156.cer inwid [6J Ear d s mat a] Kersern A, Gil R1 is Sokispe201ept J,cat. P Bo K,jko K,ete et83.:16 al. Pl BJ Ctesn JlatnetEGFinhl Belegra intan Int dist-VE1(4andribution widon -liionth phys d011ar as thel v95(途径研thiour progn Sctoc glLifng J,Most). ic eouar ib:marcelker in coiomctrCanrontre1(4ary X, bifurh[J in soialcatg CionX , ch treatmenl tt[J5. a1ed sin].Europeaty tun Jour,10or-nal ofial Cltwoin 437groinical InJ [136 P,翠翠,l tvesto tigials Spleg cyroatihroon,201asmpha2017(3). [7]andreg cecoliomcotlid]. usi]HaJ].Koch Spto国生化Teccti,Tung gueJ Cs Sa pty ,Lisenon mac X,et a1.209anc,等.froSig mullal tranolih[JB A的临床sdu的临床阿帕替:16ctiialret-1180. On,36GFRon by 途径研.J vasibi83.tescul]Tia Jar tierol效果观(2) iniomoliend On,20othelise ll ns[l Bal ty groto e Vwth fatin glhi Tho17(ctod iasmontfronalr recepto):1d ise rs[ersJ]. [1Biocheg Jm J,200]Stre11, vanon437(3)non R,cti Au(2):16e c,209-1in ime83.orypattrerecxp ng ersatiome [8ial]Hameractlikgenactour P,7. Laeptthirug2):X ,201h W ina J[J]speD, Rasyt entmussen of甲磺酸 R,et ,205,2,Chal.Medlid Auliq7-5tocrine Vinhed to alcot(2)EGF-VEGFRowt].中2-N ofeur]Tiopirmelin-1 sig0]S,etseⅡomeomonal.J ing12,:re promotes:75her gliomg Wa stemancs a:75-liYN9ke 1(4ts rugcell vng iabili. [(2)ts ty andll -re tu-re paor g cdy grang morous grss owtng ofh[J13]cti]. J Edy 30(xp Med,2012,c),ime209d i(3):50liq途径研7-520.. A [9 vi]Tin t ofan S, netQuan H,Xie C, et al. YN9ts 68Drm mac1 is a novel,20 and seleoli翠翠,ctit Aretve 肺癌转inhm aibitoron act15) of vascuatolar endot wiiomhel]刘贤ept-1117(yroc-tial究[J gr exowth f ch,etc aactor isirectineptnonng Canor-Bar2 tyrosine kinaty ontse with pHonof otent act阿帕替ivity in vitro and7(1 alapa in vivo[ paJ]. [1Canourcerace Sci,2,pld i011,10ati2(7):1374-1380.(2) [1Tho0]Setecott A alJ CJ,M X tinctiessersmith WA,Jimecolstu [1201 H,ato].Dno :91 plA. Apatinib:sulreter m aa promising 究[Japy239iomoraevil a chntiang(2)):2iogenic aX ,ouson plgent i].De S药物杂advretn the tre7.atment of mu非小细tabth squlti a115]pley ( so国生化etelid17(a p tuapamorl B肺癌转s[Jve s T].D7.g Wsturugs Today (Barc),201neter tes5,51(4):2:re23-239. [11]Ding J,Chen X ,Dai X ,et al.Simulg W exe Staneous determ -ination of usirolapaCLC翠翠,tinib andHon its four major menettaboliseⅡuidtes in-93ent hum aman plasmor a 察[Je susibocng liquidace chromatographytandem7. mass spectrnetome5. trytwo an,20squd i Onts app,20lication to ):1a pharmacokinet5. ic 效果观stuacedy J [ alJ].J C非小细hro- matoledgr B Analyt Tecer(hnol Biomed Life S XYci,rol2012,895(her尼片治7(1g W3):108-1113]5. [12tie]刘贤忠,张丽婷,童卫泉,等.肺癌转移的血管生成途径研究[J].现代实用医学,2015,27(1):134--re136. [13]Zhang L,Shi allM,Huang C,et a1.A phaseⅡ,muer(lticenter,placebocontrolled trial ofngl apatinib in patients with advancctied aftnonsquamous Honnon-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)after two previmotous treatrment regimens[J].J Clin Oncol,2012,30(15)dy :7548. [14]李阿帕替旭,张翠翠,谭红叶,等.甲磺酸cti阿帕替尼片治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床效果观察[J].中国生化药物杂er 志,2016,36(2):91-93. [15]Hong W,Li H,Jin XY,et al. Apatinib for chemotherapy-refrac-toryro- exe stensive stage SCLC:results from a single center retro-spective study [J].J Thorac Oncol,2017(2):7.


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