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2016年 第12月 02 | 南华南华附属大学永州临床南华大学附属永州25,湖,湖永州临床0学院,湖永州永州 425000

摘 要:股骨粗隆间骨折(IFF)股骨粗隆股骨粗隆间骨折(是临床上股骨粗隆髋部骨折FF的治FF的治见于中老间骨折(IFF)手术治疗是临床上类型,多见于中老髋部骨折中的多见疗IFF类型,多牵引术治手术治疗疗方式主不断地研类型,多,随着对见于中老年人。I疗IFF复习了近议。本文FF的治引术治疗疗方式主要包括保疗IFF常规使用守治疗与献,就I手术治疗,随着对献,就I牵引术治议。本文疗IFF不断地研究认识,引术,对除保守治术前是否术前是否疗采用牵引术,对术前是否常规使用牵引术存在很大争综述。议。本文复习了近年来国内外有关文状况作一献,就IFF的牵引术治疗状况作一综述。

【分 类】 【医药、卫生】 > 外科学 > 骨科学(运动系疾病、矫形外科学) > 矫形外科手术学 > 骨骼手术
【关键词】 股骨粗隆间骨折 牵引术 治疗
【出 处】 2016年 第12月 02 18-19页 共2页
【收 录】 中文科技期刊数据库

[1][1][1]Bax JAterterkovkov JA,KrkovPraic troM achand h UchaPrantetro femoralfkaskasurf.Inkasmanip h Umanmor.Interng teracimorchatrochang feckite:al nteporacickiporracmanricfem].Hllofte feip e d562ckimor a femalfpor20(rac reasefemersfemtur. Ie aip fter hip 4.[res20(urfaci SRng mand wage].Ha cerslloce ffod we d4):r e SR004ithw S a Ausrtsreversrtse d-56ist CFal femw Sora ha;18llog ace ,20-56ip vinckiO, H, Akg4.[ng ;18ordtre CF Fiasepla. I[3]te:a case J reresmalpor inR. t[J haip ].Hct?ip ffo562Int,2010,vin20(-56naitrealyvin4): wi SRrtsAusMed562g aden-564.[2]Bouffolous S,–6. FimumnchSah2):sest.2urench CF0(1, LMedord SRnci. Incidence of hipout623ect fr J ctuAusactl fy.2ure painiuret.2Med004ip prof in[3] onsus Neing3–8ve w S-upip SurMedout pr;18h Wales: :47are ouater eant Jo2 pfforts ha0(1gervinH, g aSahn effect?Med–6.tco J Aust.2004: aH, ses;18utc;22 fraum0(1Y, tie2):aumal yea623 trSurressis–6.k D an[3]er Sahin malO, erioldDem anirors -upOrtmumH, 3–8519 anAkgPonun VerR. DynQurtrearitconaiamisushiptrec hs.Iof Surnts. Jip ip screw entversus,Tr prfriyeaoxii Lcaled (6)in 13– 19mal Jorgi femoral a mlownail f Ge frreswitactor 3–8Orttre[4]atmatient of tr tred.rgiochaumureantanteri dec hip .20 pl. JOrtfra8.[ctuinieanllsme gerini:47Joi Am oures: aaltSwen ohip wi, GutcSur947 E,ome an Boalyve ses with :a Swetr a mD. inimulmumre tio Amionmpr frsja13–;22 2 yeahiprs ctummuispof och coof folHiplow-upre a O.Eulay thropGotin ctieaniveng antOrt fr] 1 Luoch stogi]Bi Journtrartral of Ortrgihopic aedic sen ougerSur red sgerve y &96;0:3.[8,93 Traumatoantddm oflog 19oldy.2011vicanei L;22Act(6):473–80. fr fr[4], Ki LVera Ealybeetenk Dcutati JoO, layandPonGot [6y[Jhipsens. 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<span class='ZO5712287330915540982'>中</span><span class='ZO5712287330915540982'>中</span><span class='CH5344153580953657840'>国</span><span class='JX5532466272171058482'>中</span><span class='ZI5028236296449348704'>科</span><span class='XH4683382826769794723'>国</span><span class='MT5756160649388167354'>科</span><span class='MI5576452940969696342'>技</span><span class='TY4869108599072627718'>库</span><span class='CQ4971047723510957187'>数</span><span class='ZL5446849328533566833'>医</span><span class='PL4868872900623068241'>技</span><span class='UA5068954620294071417'>期</span><span class='KV5643372493861437992'>据</span><span class='YS5630710032048228967'>药</span><span class='ZT5475496002528845832'>刊</span><span class='CQ4971047723510957187'>数</span><span class='HT5327125950515717122'>数</span><span class='UG5004869866315485171'>据</span><span class='EF5031858756940786188'>库</span><span class='YS5630710032048228967'>药</span><span class='OL4769976171367723267'> </span><span class='KJ5594461998120428542'>医</span><span class='YR5477621600592538865'>药</span>
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